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Billboard announces entry into China and seeks to cooperate with domestic companies

  • linda
  • 2022-08-09 13:22:29
  • 1096 read
August 9th, today, Billboard, a music content platform, announced its official entry into China, bringing global m...

August 9th, today, Billboard, a music content platform, announced its official entry into China, bringing global music dynamics and content to Chinese music lovers.

In addition to charts and music information, Billboard also seeks to cooperate with local Chinese companies to bring global popular music content to Chinese audiences, while promoting Chinese artists and music globally.

According to public information, Billboard, also known as "Billboard", was established in 1894. Its main role is to make singles charts, which are considered to be the most authoritative singles charts in the pop music scene in the United States and European and American countries. Currently, Billboard has in-depth music content and industry-authoritative charts, as well as a comprehensive chart database covering all music genres.

TAG: No label

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